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Welcome to H2Gate

The network for hydrogen and fuel cell technologies

About H2Gate

Round tables

H2Gate organizes regular round tables surrounding the topic of hydrogen and fuel cell technology. Since 2004, H2Gate has been dedicated to H2/fuel cell technologies, promoting, mediating, advising and giving interested parties access to a large network within the industry.

H2Gate connects

The regularly hosted round tables in Hamburg enable you to connect in person. Inform yourself here to find out more about the next round table. hier über den nächsten Termin.

H2gate promotes

Do you need help in funding landscape? We are happy to assist you.

H2gate mediates

Are you looking for contacts and connections for possible business and/or cooperation partners or are you in need of capital to start up your company? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

H2gate advises

Are you looking for support in identifying the market or your market positioning? We are happy to help.


H2Gate supports the 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda. The goals are aimed towards everyone: governments worldwide, but also society, the private sector and academia.